I then came up with the perfect combination of the two. I picked out an expensive 8x10 picture frame that she registered for. It wasn’t quite as much as I wanted to spend, so I also ordered a smaller version in the same pattern. While at the wedding, I made sure to take a great vertical picture of the bride & groom. (As you can guess, I am quite the amateur photographer at the weddings I go to, and feel the need to capture every minute.) As soon as I returned to New York after the wedding, I ordered an 8x10 of the newlyweds in black and white and a 4x6 of the bridesmaids to put in the smaller frame.
I’ve given and iteration of this gift to many of my brides since, but nothing beats the way Bride #1 received her gift. You see, the couple lived together in New York, but their wedding was in Cleveland. They left for Ohio about a week before the big day, so they gave me a spare key to their apartment, just in case they forgot anything they needed (which they did- Groom #1 forgot his iPod and seriously needed it for the honeymoon!). So, while they were baking in the sun in Hawaii, I had the pictures printed, I put them in the frames, wrapped them, and delivered them right on to their coffee table.
As soon as they walked in to their apartment for the first time as husband and wife, they were so surprised to see a gift waiting for them. They were even more shocked to see their own wedding pictures in the frames. They were absolutely thrilled! I told them that they could be placeholders for the professional prints; I just wanted them to have some wedding pictures up until they were able to order the real ones. But Bride #1 loved the gift so much, she left the picture I put in, and last summer when I was at her house in Cleveland (they’ve since moved back to the Midwest) almost 3 years after her wedding, the picture I took still resided in the frame. She said she likes it that way, because it was more meaningful, since I took the picture. Awww….
That set the bar pretty high for my future brides. And while I wasn't able to get in to anyone else's apartments, I did always make sure that the frame was waiting either in their mailbox or with their doorman when they got home from their honeymoons. They all loved coming home to such a special gift.
If you like this idea, but can’t find a frame on their registry, just pick out something classic they might like, and if you can get it engraved with their wedding date on it, even better!
Do you have a favorite “go-to” wedding gift you like to give?
Happy Bridesmaiding!
You are right Bride #1 did love her gift and still does. I think of you all the time when I look at the picture. You're gift was very thoughtful and one of our favorite gifts we received. We miss you- so get your butt to Cleveland :)
Bride #8 also loved this gift! It was so wonderful to come back from our wedding and to immediately have such a wonderful record of the day!
Bride #5 an her husband love our photos and beautiful frames! They were not on our registry which makes them even more special! It was the best surprise when we returned from our honeymoon - a package with these fabulous photos that captured great moments from our wedding. Over two years later, we still have the frames up in the same spot with the same photos! One of our most special gifts from one of our most special friends.
Thanks so much guys! It means so much to me that you all loved your gifts so much, that's what I strived for! Love you all! xoxo
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Wedding Gifts
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