It really inspired me to be able to do it in the future. Bride #3 loves her monogram, and I knew she would love it. So the other bridesmaids and I chipped in for all the towels on her registry, had them monogrammed and I made them into a wedding cake. It took hours but it came out looking amazing. I got rave reviews at the shower, and no one could believe I made it myself. It took a while for Bride #3 to disassemble the cake and actually use the towels because she didn't want to take it apart, but hey- you can't dry yourself off after the shower with a tier of a cake! So it had to be done...
Bride #7 was my roommate at the time I made my first towel cake, and saw me slaving over it for hours. As soon as she got engaged, she put in her "request" for one at her shower. We just had the shower this past weekend, and Bride #7 loved her cake just as much as Bride #3. Once again, only positive remarks and some people were in total awe.
I have to admit that I'm quite proud of the results and wanted to share them with all of you. I love giving this gift because it's something practical the couple needs, but is presented in a beautiful and special way. If you are interested in having SuperBridesmaid make a wedding towel cake for your next shower, please email me directly at for pricing.
Happy Bridesmaiding and enjoy the towel cake photos!

Bride #3's Towel Wedding Cake
SUCH a clever idea! Thank for sharing. You have amazing ideas.
very very cute! xo
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